There were many extra hours involved in preparing for teaching this class together. We both had our own class materials - so we had to merge some of them to best represent our own unique ways of teaching and creating soaps. What a fun time I had, though!
Amy's customers are wonderful. We had a great time! Amy and I answered some very specific and complicated questions - these class participants were really into learning the ways of making an all-natural soap the old-fashioned way. We talked about where lye comes from, the first discovery of "soap" and the complex and necessary steps to take to be safe while making soap. If you have always wanted to learn soapmaking, this is a good time to start. Take a local class on soapmaking from a qualified and insured business owner and by the October/November/December you will have some lovely handmade, natural creations to give as gifts to friends, family, hosts, teachers, etc.

Here are the three batches of soap we made in class that day.
We have already begun making plans for our next joint venture. We work so well together. We have similar visions for our businesses' growth, natural body care beliefs, respect for the earth, supporting local businesses, etc. We are even planning to write a few books together, so keep you eye out for us on the bookshelf!

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